Vineri, 28 februarie 2014, ora 17.00, a avut loc prezentarea ţinută de Helga Zichner (cercetătoare la Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig), pe tema "Talking the talk, walking the walk? Europeanizing projects in Moldova in times of crises of the discourse of Europeanization".
Rezumatul prezentării:
In my presentation I take as a starting point the gap between the official pro-EU course of the Moldova government and the more skeptical attitudes towards this orientation among the population as they are reflected in recent opinion polls. Against this background my question is what this gap means for the implementation of EU-funded projects, that by definition must be considered as projects that shall contribute to Moldova's Europeanization. The example I will draw on is an EU-funded project from the area of household waste management. The changing of waste-disposal practices is an area where the success of the project depends very much on the active involvement of the local population. I will analyse the different approaches that those who implement these projects chose in order to motivate and persuade the local population to change their behaviour and thus to contribute ultimately to the success of the project.
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